Mondays in my calendar are an extension of Sunday, but if you were to conclude based on that fact that my life is ‘O so slack’, then you couldn’t have been further from the truth.
So my school week begins on Tuesdays, which contain one of my more enjoyable lessons known as Business, Government and Society (BGS). An entertaining & capable Indian professor leads us into educational discussions on why we as future business people need to be concerned not just about the money but also the society where it comes from. Oh finally, what a joy to attend school when you are learning from someone who speaks clearly and actually knows what he is talking about. However here is where Class Participation, one of SMU’s infamous 4Ps of grading (Projects, Presentations, Papers, and Participation), come into emphasis. And in order to participate meaningfully and not foolishly, would require me to read large chunks of the BGS textbook every week. And to give you an appreciation on how colossally big that text is, I no longer need to do a shoulder workout in the gym so long as I carry that rock in my bag.
Wednesday is the day of the week where I wake up and wish it was another day. I start off early in the morning learning about why it is so important to know how much things cost and how to display that useful bit of info in such detail that no one wishes to read it. Ok that’s not really true but I’m describing Management Accounting from my point of view. Then in the afternoon, a rather round & loud American tells me that it is important that I learn about arguing in all its forms. Actually its quite a fun class and I learnt something rather interesting this week. My American prof was explaining to us why the argument “There is no absolute truth” cannot possible be true. Simply put, if it is a true statement, then it would be contradictory to itself, as the statement asserts that there is no absolute truth, thus it has to be false. Anyway that’s my Analytical Skills class. The lessons are interesting, and the prof has a sense of humor, but when he gives out the insane amount of homework, his jokes don’t seem so funny anymore.
So TGI.Thursday. Cause Thursdays technically mean I can wake up at night and not miss any lessons.
Ah then comes Friday, entering into my life is this Korean prof who has made his debut in Singapore not more than 2 weeks ago. This is where my perfect image of “Wow SMU professors are pretty damn good” gets pretty damn shattered. Loud clear voice, good spoken English, helping me to understand Intro to Statistics B so I would not need to read up on my own would not be adjectives used to describe him. I shall leave it as that.
yo's me dingren. i found your blog!!! heh just dropping by
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Anonymous |
6:22 AM