What we did in Redang island
So we set off from the Golden Mile station at half past ten on what would be a 12 hour ride. I heard that you could go to

Anyway, 12 sleepless hours later we arrived at Redang island and its crystal clear seas.
The beach was always a common location for fun, be it slacking around in the sun, lazing around in the ocean or roughing it out at touch rugby. We also met a group of Malaysians who we played beach soccer with on one occasion. They really do know how to play dirty – they had this really hot girl who they played as goal keeper, and since I was kinda like striker…yeap we kinda like lost.
The responsible party for the 12 sleepless hours
Hope I don't get in trouble for this one
The main activity at Redang island is not on the island itself. It requires a 5-15min boat ride away into the surrounding waters, where we snorkel and check out the happy little fish.
My ego is too big for a lifejacket!
Me being me would regret for opening my mouth too soon
Well other than that, we ate a heck of a lot as every meal was buffet, did a little bit of drinking & dancing on the beach at night, played a little bit of poker later in the night and Nadia being Nadia took some naughty photos.
Yea, that’s about it. Goodbye