Friday, January 27, 2006 

The days are just packed

And who says that NS men are so free with too much time?

Just take a look at my schedule. . .

Rising early in the morning like Jesus in Mark 1:35, I roll out of bed to spend some quiet moments with the Lord before diving into the day.

Reporting promptly to work at 9.15am, I carry out my daily chores which of course I can’t describe here as they are Government Top Secret!

Ending a really tiring day of hard nation-protecting work, I refresh myself with a spot of exercise before dinner. Be it a quick run around the district, lifting meager weights in the gym or hitting a few balls at the golf driving range.

Monday nights would be taken up by the gay-er side of me by attempting to learn some salsa dancing. I just finished shaking my ass through the beginner course and saw this friggin’ pros dance instructor in my final lesson. Apparently he’s some SMU student, well now he’s the idol of the gay-er side of me.

Tuesday is where my intellectual side surfaces as I recently joined an Inductive Bible Study class in the book of Philippians. If anyone is interested in joining me, contact me, it is highly enriching! However I must give a warning, it is really quite intense and not for the half-hearted. For e.g. we spent the last 2 lessons reading through the ENTIRE book a NUMBER of times, each time spent looking out for references to the author, recipients & places in order to understand the context & overall message of the text. Quite insane if you ask me, but it’s getting really interesting.

Wednesday is when I am SUPPOSED to do this online business finance course supplied by NTU and financed by the SAF in order to keep my brain from rotting like most other NSFs who can no longer count nor spell correctly any longer. BUT I keep getting distracted as events uncalled for keep popping up. Like this week, this guy in my company somehow won many many free tickets to ‘I not stupid 2’ so ya… All I can say is that if these ‘events uncalled for’ keep popping up en route to university, I will be stupid 2.

Thursday night is additional golf practice for me as I intend to hit the ball further than the old lady next to me & not at a 45 degree angle to my right or left. I hope to get my handicap before I enter uni! (New Year Resolution heh)

Friday is my favorite as it is the only unscheduled night and thus gives some randomness to my otherwise very structured week. Tonight I am going to see Dream Theatre & I am displaying much enthusiasm about seeing a band I have never heard of in my life. But oh well, I am going with my musician colleague who swears they are ‘sen’ and anyway I have some SAF concert ticket subsidy fund to burn.

Sigh, see la how busy I am… and with the Australian Open finals this weekend plus the Champions League coming up next month . . . oh dear me.

posted by yado 

Thursday, January 19, 2006 

Operationally Ready

This is a first hand account of yesterday afternoon’s events which occurred while I was working in camp. No specific identities other than my own will be revealed to prevent embarrassment.

I walk downstairs towards the canteen and find my boss lying on the MDC steps with 2 ppl attending to her. We deliberate between driving her straight to Tan Tock Seng or activating our operationally ready Nee Soon Medical Centre (NSMC).

The Maj walks by and seeing the situation, immediately decides to activate the Medical Center to send an ambulance. What a decision…

(notice the length of time taken for an ambulance to arrive from not more than 600m away. In a reasonable car like a 320i which the Maj had parked right beside us, driven by an adept driver like *ahem* me, we would have easily gotten her to Tan Tok Seng in that time)

Ambulance a.k.a. rover arrives after first going around MDC to SAF Band which is behind. We had to send a person to inform the ambulance a.k.a. rover driver he is in the wrong place.

2 eager NSFs rush out with a stretcher.

They realize that they are unable to lift the fainted person and require the assistance of MDCs dancers & managers.

We arrive at the Nee Soon Medical Center. The place looks set in the 70s and used to film shows like ‘Growing Up’. The NSMC staff check her condition & attach a drip, oxygen mask & ECG to her before telling me to leave the room.

Boss is in a lot of pain and lets them know through much groaning. The NSMC staff act decisively and decide to send her to Tan Tock Seng hospital.

Boss is loaded into the ambulance a.k.a. rover and we set off. (Again notice the length of time taken…)

Just before we leave, a NSMC staff pops his head into the ambulance a.k.a. rover and reminds the driver where to go. He makes a slight chuckle and comments that they went to the wrong place the last time.

The ambulance a.k.a. rover takes off at a lightning fast speed, hitting a peak of 57km/h and goes by the really quick route of Upper Thomson Road. (Just only 11 traffic lights. I inquired why he din take the expressway and he said this is their standard route.)

Somewhere along Upper Thomson Road, The ECG, (I think that’s the part which monitors the blood pressure & heart rate) gives a ‘peeeeeep’ sound like in E.R. and I look over to the medic beside me and asks him if the machine is spoilt. He looks unfazed and just tells me coolly that the battery has run out. Ah yes…

My boss’s phone rings and it’s her daughter. She asks me what her condition is and I ask the medic. He replies me instantly with his astute intuition that she is stable.

After doing a few checks himself with a manual blood pressure monitor, the medic picks up his phone and calls someone. I hear him mumble something along the lines of “Err.. her blood pressure is dropping”. I slap my forehead and shake it.

We arrive at Tan Tock Seng A&E. (2.25pm – 2.50pm. That’s 25mins. Hey what a coincidence! That’s the same length of time my 167 takes to travel to Nee Soon Camp every morning from my place at Newton)

The medic jumps out of the ambulance a.k.a. rover and rolls over one of the roller stretchers provided by the hospital. Just as we load her onto it, a staff from Tan Tock Seng runs out to stop us. “Wait!" he exclaims. "The stretcher is placed the wrong way round. Her head should be on the other side!” This happened right in front of my boss’s husband who had just arrived.

After passing my boss’s belongings to her husband we decide to make our way back to camp.

We leave in a car to go back to camp via the expressway

We arrive back in camp

posted by yado 

Monday, January 09, 2006 

Care for some emotional rojak this weekend?

This rainy weekend contained a whole host of different feelings for me.

It began with Restlessness during the 7 hour Annual Sunday School Leaders meeting on Saturday which of course started late in true Barker Road tradition. I was particularly fretful as I couldn’t seem to sit still and had to either keep walking around to fart in various corners of the room, practice my salsa, or sneak to the back to munch on some particularly divine Marks & Spencer’s family biscuits just in order to keep my attention going.

Then came Mournful & Somber as I sped over to Mandai Crematorium in the stormy weather to make it in time for my grand uncle’s funeral. Although I was not very close to him, I could tangibly imagine how my cousin (once removed) was feeling as I am sure I would be equally, if not more upset if my beloved Kong Kong had passed away. That was my first time going to a funeral and I really can’t imagine how the people who run the crematorium survive in that gloomy place.

Following that, Exhilaration & Excitement set in while getting ready to play in my first gig at Phunk Bar for my colleagues band called Flybar. We had a kick ass performance and the band leaders charisma along with our 20-fingered lead guitarist got us mentioned in a popular Singapore music forum =)

Sunday morning began with Annoyance & Disgruntlement as 6 very capable & educated personnel including myself simply could not seem to get the overhead projector in my Church working. Our feelings were possibly only rivaled by some of the poor souls that got caught up in the MRT station during our Total Defence’s latest NorthStar V operation. Hey but at least we know our Decisive Force is doing their job well. Kudos to the NSFs on duty!

Disappointment was next on the list and not just for me as our eagerly anticipated game of soccer got washed out for another week thanks to the 21hour non stop rain which did not stop.

Well never mind, at least Sunday night ended on high ‘A’ feelings of Achievement, Accomplishment & Attainment as I successfully brought my originally Div 2 Mansfield Town to the top of the Premier League. That great day came after securing a 1-1 draw with (heavily inverted comerd) mighty Arsenal & winning my game in hand.

Sorry for the feelings of befuddlement & puzzlement experienced by any girl readers with regards to the previous paragraph.

This entry was written with the many many help of

posted by yado 
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