Say my name
From today onwards, you may wish to address me by my new name: Oliver Ren De Lo - because the initials spell out the mode I am now in.
I have dutifully served my beloved country for exactly 1 yr 10mths now, which is now the full NSF service time for the new 3G fighting fit solider. But for the old generation PES C grunt which I am, that means 6 more months.
6 more months is kind of a strange length of time. From one angle, it seems & feels like just around the corner, but then when you actually think about it, it is one whole half of a year more. As a result of this strange concoction of time, a mixture of present enjoyment of NS & future anticipation has welled up in me – and it feels great!
Most of my contemporaries would be and are complaining about serving 4 – 6 months more than the batch after us, but for me, it is 6 months more of sheer enjoyment, and for once I am not being sarcastic. I mean seriously, I am really having a friggin’ good time protecting the nation in my particular vocation. (which of course I can’t describe as it is a national secret)
In all honesty, if someone were to ask me which I enjoyed more - JC or NS, I would have to say both were enjoyable in their own way. See JC was like a roller coaster; intense, fast paced and turbulent with all its ups & downs. However, NS is more like a merry-go-round; relaxing, stress-free, stable. Both rides are amazing, though very different in feel, and each with its own special experience.
So as this Merry-go-round goes round for its final turn, time becomes more & more precious. Never again for the next 40+ years will I have this much time to spend however I want, unless of course I strike the hong pao toto and have an early retirement or I marry Kiera Knightly and live off her. Since the likelihood of either event happening is about as high as Liverpool winning the Champions league this season, I better start planning the last 6 months of my holiday, oops I mean service.
To be a little more serious for a change, the one thing I would really like to take away from these 2 ½ yrs would be a godly character. NS is a great place to learn to serve and befriend as Jesus did, and gaining Christ-like character would mean a lot more to me than a Pink IC. To attain it, I would like to add a few useful habits into my daily living; waking at 7 to spend a few quiet moments with the One I want to be like & reading the Word of God before I sleep. Another helpful thing I would do is to set my phone (my new phone! hehe) alarm to ring at certain intervals during the day to keep me focused on the Christian walk.
Hopefully, with excellence in striving & overcoming, these few simple plans would get me there before I say the most coveted word in the SAF.
posted by yado
I have dutifully served my beloved country for exactly 1 yr 10mths now, which is now the full NSF service time for the new 3G fighting fit solider. But for the old generation PES C grunt which I am, that means 6 more months.
6 more months is kind of a strange length of time. From one angle, it seems & feels like just around the corner, but then when you actually think about it, it is one whole half of a year more. As a result of this strange concoction of time, a mixture of present enjoyment of NS & future anticipation has welled up in me – and it feels great!
Most of my contemporaries would be and are complaining about serving 4 – 6 months more than the batch after us, but for me, it is 6 months more of sheer enjoyment, and for once I am not being sarcastic. I mean seriously, I am really having a friggin’ good time protecting the nation in my particular vocation. (which of course I can’t describe as it is a national secret)
In all honesty, if someone were to ask me which I enjoyed more - JC or NS, I would have to say both were enjoyable in their own way. See JC was like a roller coaster; intense, fast paced and turbulent with all its ups & downs. However, NS is more like a merry-go-round; relaxing, stress-free, stable. Both rides are amazing, though very different in feel, and each with its own special experience.
So as this Merry-go-round goes round for its final turn, time becomes more & more precious. Never again for the next 40+ years will I have this much time to spend however I want, unless of course I strike the hong pao toto and have an early retirement or I marry Kiera Knightly and live off her. Since the likelihood of either event happening is about as high as Liverpool winning the Champions league this season, I better start planning the last 6 months of my holiday, oops I mean service.
To be a little more serious for a change, the one thing I would really like to take away from these 2 ½ yrs would be a godly character. NS is a great place to learn to serve and befriend as Jesus did, and gaining Christ-like character would mean a lot more to me than a Pink IC. To attain it, I would like to add a few useful habits into my daily living; waking at 7 to spend a few quiet moments with the One I want to be like & reading the Word of God before I sleep. Another helpful thing I would do is to set my phone (my new phone! hehe) alarm to ring at certain intervals during the day to keep me focused on the Christian walk.
Hopefully, with excellence in striving & overcoming, these few simple plans would get me there before I say the most coveted word in the SAF.